If you’re after a bit of help learning some knitting tips and tricks, have questions about techniques, or just want someone to hold your hand (not literally, because that would make knitting quite hard), then my knitting workshops are for you.

I hold them both online, and in-person, so wherever you are in the world there’s an option for you. I put my 10yrs of knitting experience to good use teaching a whole load of knitting topics – from colourwork, to toe-up socks, to lace, to fixing those pesky mistakes. Handy, hey?

They’re jargon-free, super accessible, welcoming guides to different knitting techniques. There’ll be no judgement or technique-shaming here; just the boost you need to step up your knitting.

Bristol knitting workshops

If you’re based in lovely Bristol, UK, then I’d love to see you at one of my upcoming knitting workshops. Handy knitting techniques and tips, and lots of tea are guaranteed.

Take a look at all my In person workshops

Online knitting workshops

Wherever you are in the world, you can join one of my friendly, informal online knitting workshops. I always leave lots of time for questions, and you’ll get some lovely handouts too.

Check out my Online Workshops

Why should you come to a Woolly Badger knitting workshop?

Good question. I’m going to let previous attendees tell you with their reviews of my online knitting workshops.

“I found it interesting, helpful, and most of all it was done with a smile”

De-scarying lacework attendee

“Clear instructions and advice, friendly and judgement-free environment! It was lovely to see and chat to other knitters and it made me realise that colourwork is definitely something I can tackle!”

De-scarying colourwork attendee